Business Development MSc, KJU bic_2021_admn 2022.08.23.
The master course is aimed at professionals who lead, manage, or direct organizations of all sizes in the private, public and third sectors. If you are energized by the dynamic possibilities of the rapidly evolving new world of business, our course gives you the practical abilities, networks, and strong academic foundations you need.
Business Development MSc, KJU
Length of course

4 semesters

Tuition fee

3480 EUR/semester
(please note: to be able to obtain an Acceptance Letter, apply for a visa and start your studies, 2-semesters’ tuition fee and some other minor fees must be paid upfront)

Location of campus


Language of tuition


Application deadlines
  • For September intake: 30 June
Admission options

Direct admission or admission
with a foundation

Decription of the progam

Our master course prepares you for the job market with the help of personality and task-focused sessions. The acquired knowledge and practice will enable you to understand, forecast and analyze the economic, legal, and political processes of the international system, and prepare you to occupy leading positions in the public and non-profit sector, local governments, as well as regional development institutions and international organizations. In addition to theoretical studies, you also do internships with our strategic partners. In the framework of the mentoring program, in addition to the acquisition of practical knowledge, methods and techniques, you can get acquainted with the operation and events of domestic and international institutions, as well as scientific workshops in the framework of small group sessions.

Overview of the classes

  • Disciplinary Studies: Business Communication & Information Management, Intercultural Management, European Business Development Policies, Change & Crisis Management, Accounting Management, Leadership, Performance & Risk Management, Advanced Service Design & Management, Market Strategies
  • Specialized Studies: Financial Services for Enterprise Development, Corporate Finance
  • Global Responsible Leadership: Global Future Trend Analysis, Global Public Policies, Politics & Comparative Politics, Global Mobility Landscapes, Advanced Research and Communication, Responsible Strategic Leadership & Management, Innovation Policies & Management, Comparative Regionalism, Business & Enterprise Development Theories, Multilateral Negotiations and Communications, Practical Marketing, Etiquette & Protocol
  •  Strategic Management and Planning, Business Process Management, International Economics, Quality, Innovation Policies Tools in MLE, Leadership Performance and Risk Management, Business Support Services, Accounting Fundamentals, International Finance Fundamental, Managerial Accounting and Financial Analyses, Marketing Services, HRM Services.

Specialized focus areas

  • International Marketing & Collaboration

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Kodolányi János University, Budapest International College Partner
This program is offered by Kodolányi János University (KJU)