Business Information Technology BSc, BBU bic_2021_admn 2024.02.02.
Probably the most in-demand interdisciplinary field nowadays, right at the intersection of business and IT. The course provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge in line with the needs of the labour market, who can understand and model actual economic and business processes, formulate problems, and propose solutions.
Business Information Technology BSc, BBU
Length of course

7 semesters

Tuition fee

2900 EUR/semester
(please note: to be able to obtain an Acceptance Letter, apply for a visa and start your studies, 2-semesters’ tuition fee and some other minor fees must be paid upfront)

Location of campus


Language of tuition


Application deadlines
  • For February intake: 15 December
  • For September intake: 30 June
Admission options

Direct admission or admission
with a foundation

Programme objective

The course provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge in line with the needs of the labour market, who can understand and model actual economic and business processes, formulate problems, and propose solutions. They can effectively use the opportunities offered by IT systems, and where necessary, they can implement and improve IT systems.

Programme content

Courses in Natural Sciences
Key subjects: mathematics, statistics, basics of computer science, operations research

Courses in Economics and Basic Social Sciences
Key subjects: economics, business economics, finance, accounting, management, business law

Core Courses in IT and Business
Key subjects: Operation Systems, computer Networks, Information system audit, Information system development methods, Database systems and DBMS, Data Analysis, Business informatics and IT concepts, Basic of programming, OO programming and planning

Elective Courses
Key subjects: Data security, CRM, Web programming, Data mining

Specialised Professional Courses
Key subjects: Decision Theory, Engineering of logistics, Project management, Business Intelligence, Integrated Enterprise Resource Systems, Process modelling, Artificial Intelligence, SQL in business applications

Programme focus

Business IT specialists can apply knowledge of economics and IT across the supply chain to perform analytical tasks that support business decision preparation and decision-making. They are also able to work effectively with partners, economists, and IT development staff, thanks to their communication skills and their knowledge of foreign languages.

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