The company Radical Storage researched the so-called Paris Syndrome in one of their studies. Paris Syndrome is basically when we are very excited to visit a city, but it ends up being a diappointment and not living up to our expectations.
So the company analyzed over 826,000 TripAdvisor reviews, across 100 of the most visited cities in the world, to find out which city is the most disappointing for tourist. But, at the same time they also listed the cities that are exactly the opposite: where tourist didn’t expect much, but ended up very positively surprised, because the city is so amazing.
And guess what they found? Budapest is the true opposite of the Paris Syndrome, as most tourists were extremely surprised by the beauty of the Hungarian capital. Budapest was ranked Nr1 in the “most positive mentions” list. Budapest’s top things to do primarily focus on exploring the city’s stunning architecture and meandering river.
You can see the full list here: