At Budapest International College, we provide you with University Foundation programs prior to starting your studies one of our partner universities. But what is a Foundation Program? What will you even study there?
BIC provides multiple types of Foundations, but the most popular (or most needed) is the Professional Foundation Program, which is available students who need to develop their Math or other basic sciences skills before starting their university program.
For almost all university programs we offer, you’ll need to pass a Math test during your admissions process, but for some engineering programs a Physics test is required also. For some students this is not a huge challenge, but of course the European education system along with the requirements is slightly different from others, so this admission test could seem hard for some.
To be successful in your university years, it’s cruitial that you start out with the right knowledge base, this is why the Foundation Program is required in case you cannot pass the admission test.
Let’s see what you can expect in the first semester of the 2-semester Professional Foundation Program:
- Professional Courses
The most important part of the Foundation is to prepare you for the professional university subjects. That is why you’ll have 14 hours of professional courses each week, out of which 6 are Math-related, 4 are Physics-related and 4 are IT related. IT is offered for all students (not only IT students), as nowadays most university courses require some level of IT knowledge from Mechanical Engineering to Management. - Future-proof skills
We also want to prepare you to be able to study & work in an international environment in Europe. That is why we offer a European Living Basics course along with a Soft Skills workshop. Here we’ll teach you how to survive in Europe (and within that Hungary, of course), what kind of documents to take care of, what kind of cultural differences to expect and many more topics. Knowing this, you can navigate life in Hungary much easier. The Soft skills workshop is crutial for study success and career success as well. We’ll teach you skills that employers are looking for, such as time management, analytical thinking, communication skills and much more. - Languages
An excellent command of English is highly beneficial if you want to study abroad. The university materials are difficult enough as they are, so understanding them perfectly is important. What’s why you’ll have professional English classes, preparing you for the engineering, business and computer science lingo that you’ll need to know in your career.
Hungarian is also important if you want to stay and work in Hungary. Even though there are many multinational companies in the country where the working language is English, most employers prefer hiring colleagues who can at least make some small-talk in Hungarian, as most employees are Hungarian in almost every company. Also, you’ll like live in Hungary at least for a couple of years, so the earlier you start, the easier it will be to pick up the language by the time you graduate.